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Asheville Wedding Photography – The Venue – Ashley and Andrew | Wedding Photographers in Asheville, NC, North Carolina


On Saturday Nick and Kelly were at The Venue in Asheville. There was a huge amount of details and they all worked perfectly together – lots of yellows and grays. The guys had on beautiful gray suits with yellow accents and the girls had the matching yellow dresses. Everything looked great! The ceremony was upstairs at the Venue, as was the reception.

If you haven’t been to the Venue in Asheville, it is right at the corner of Walnut and Market (right in the heart of downtown Asheville). Between the ceremony and reception we walked down the block to Pack Square Park and took some family and group photos and then did some bride and groom photos.

The light was spectacular! We got out there right at the perfect time and had a 1/2 hour of the best light possible. asheville-wedding-venue_02asheville-wedding-venue_03asheville-wedding-venue_04asheville-wedding-venue_05asheville-wedding-venue_06asheville-wedding-venue_07asheville-wedding-venue_08asheville-wedding-venue_09asheville-wedding-venue_10asheville-wedding-venue_11asheville-wedding-venue_12asheville-wedding-venue_13asheville-wedding-venue_14asheville-wedding-venue_15asheville-wedding-venue_16-2asheville-wedding-venue_17-2asheville-wedding-venue_18-2asheville-wedding-venue_19-2asheville-wedding-venue_20-2asheville-wedding-venue_21-2asheville-wedding-venue_22-2asheville-wedding-venue_23-2asheville-wedding-venue_24-2asheville-wedding-venue_25-2asheville-wedding-venue_26-2asheville-wedding-venue_27-2